대학의 인성기반 교양교육 현황 및 방향모색: ‘세계시민교육과 리더십’을 중심으로
DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor.author | 김경아 | - |
dc.contributor.author | 김수진 | - |
dc.contributor.author | 윤희정 | - |
dc.date.available | 2021-02-22T05:23:36Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2020-07 | - |
dc.identifier.issn | 2465-7581 | - |
dc.identifier.uri | https://scholarworks.sookmyung.ac.kr/handle/2020.sw.sookmyung/1348 | - |
dc.description.abstract | The purpose of this study is to investigate the direction of a general education model based on ‘Global citizenship education and leadership’. For the purpose of collecting information, we organized FGIs in 2020. The FGI was conducted with the expert group of 6 participants from January 20th to May 6th. To extract data of detail and depth, the study implemented three series of focus group interview. The semi-structured interview items were passed through a formal review process of the institutional Ethics Committee(IRB). Furthermore, under the participants’ pre-consents of recording, all recorded data were categorized through transcripts process. The results of the study are as follows. As a result of the study, a total of 9 subcategories were derived from 3 areas of categories, including developing a Character competency based on ‘Global Citizenship Education and Leadership’, ‘construction an education system’, ‘Reinforcing an effective education’. In sum, this research provided that Global Citizenship Education and Leadership is very meaningful education model, which can contribute on reinforcing university student’s positive self-image and capability and mission as a global citizen. In turn, this investigation would lead to a discussion on the implications and possibilities of cultivating future global leaders. | - |
dc.format.extent | 29 | - |
dc.language | 한국어 | - |
dc.language.iso | KOR | - |
dc.publisher | 중앙대학교 다빈치미래교양연구소 | - |
dc.title | 대학의 인성기반 교양교육 현황 및 방향모색: ‘세계시민교육과 리더십’을 중심으로 | - |
dc.title.alternative | Current Status and Direction Search of General Education Based on Character Education in the University : Focusing on the Global Citizenship Education and Leadership | - |
dc.type | Article | - |
dc.publisher.location | 대한민국 | - |
dc.identifier.doi | 10.24173/jge.2020.07.12.5 | - |
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation | 교양학 연구, v.12, pp 127 - 155 | - |
dc.citation.title | 교양학 연구 | - |
dc.citation.volume | 12 | - |
dc.citation.startPage | 127 | - |
dc.citation.endPage | 155 | - |
dc.identifier.kciid | ART002613284 | - |
dc.description.isOpenAccess | N | - |
dc.description.journalRegisteredClass | kci | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | General education | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Focus Group Interview | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Character education | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Global citizenship | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Leadership | - |
dc.identifier.url | https://www.dbpia.co.kr/journal/articleDetail?nodeId=NODE09411840 | - |
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