영어 어휘 학습용 앱의 어휘 목록 및 모바일 학습 유형 비교 분석
DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor.author | 표시연 | - |
dc.date.available | 2021-02-22T05:23:51Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2020-06 | - |
dc.identifier.issn | 1229-4039 | - |
dc.identifier.issn | 2734-0481 | - |
dc.identifier.uri | https://scholarworks.sookmyung.ac.kr/handle/2020.sw.sookmyung/1403 | - |
dc.description.abstract | Pyo, SiYeon. 2020. A Comparative Analysis of Mobile Learning Types and Word Lists of Apps for Learning English Vocabulary. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 45-2, 401-420. With the rapid development of mobile devices, the popularity of mobile-assisted learning has been increased, allowing L2 learners to access millions of apps for learning, but their appropriateness in terms of vocabulary levels or learning types has not been discussed yet. In this respect, this study attempts to figure out characteristics of mobile apps for learning English vocabulary with focus on word lists and mobile learning types. To this end, 14 widely used apps for English vocabulary learning for seniors of elementary school were selected, and the word lists were compared to see how the lists reflect the basic word list presented by the 2015 revised English curriculum. Then this study set up a criterion designed to classify e-learning types of the apps, categorized them into five according to the criterion, and explored each in detail. Some findings were revealed from the analysis. First, the reflection rates of the 2015 basic word list were not comparatively high. Only 3 out of 14 apps reflected more than 90% of the basic word list. Secondly, learning types of the apps were considered suitable for self-directed learning overall, including a variety of functions and games that enable L2 learners to involve repeatable learning through flash cards or quizzes. However, most functions of the apps focused on acquiring forms and meaning of words referring to receptive knowledge of vocabulary. Finally, the study suggests considering higher reflection rates of the 2015 basic word list for students to improve their vocabulary learning efficiency, and mobile learning methods designed to acquire productive knowledge on actual usage of words in developing apps for vocabulary learning for the future. (Sookmyung Women’s University) | - |
dc.format.extent | 20 | - |
dc.language | 한국어 | - |
dc.language.iso | KOR | - |
dc.publisher | 한국언어학회 | - |
dc.title | 영어 어휘 학습용 앱의 어휘 목록 및 모바일 학습 유형 비교 분석 | - |
dc.title.alternative | A Comparative Analysis of Mobile Learning Types and Word Lists of Apps for Learning English Vocabulary. | - |
dc.type | Article | - |
dc.publisher.location | 대한민국 | - |
dc.identifier.doi | 10.18855/lisoko.2020.45.2.009 | - |
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation | 언어, v.45, no.2, pp 401 - 420 | - |
dc.citation.title | 언어 | - |
dc.citation.volume | 45 | - |
dc.citation.number | 2 | - |
dc.citation.startPage | 401 | - |
dc.citation.endPage | 420 | - |
dc.identifier.kciid | ART002600554 | - |
dc.description.isOpenAccess | N | - |
dc.description.journalRegisteredClass | kci | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | English vocabulary learning | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | apps for learning English vocabulary | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | app-assisted learning types | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | word lists | - |
dc.identifier.url | https://www.dbpia.co.kr/journal/articleDetail?nodeId=NODE09363815 | - |
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