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5요인 성격검사의 개발 및 학업, 적응, 진로 관련 준거와의 관계The Development of Big 5 Personality Inventory and Its Criterion-related Validity on School Grade, School Adaptation, and Career Selection

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The Development of Big 5 Personality Inventory and Its Criterion-related Validity on School Grade, School Adaptation, and Career Selection
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5요인 성격검사; 학교 성적; 학교 적응; 진로 선택; Big 5 personality inventory; school grade; school adaptation; career selection
교육심리연구, v.22, no.3, pp 609 - 629
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이 연구는 5요인 성격이론에 근거한 성격검사를 개발하고, 그 검사의 학업, 생활적응, 진로 관련 준거들과의 관계를 경험적으로 밝히고자 한 것이다. 5요인 성격검사를 개발하기 위해 4차에 걸친 예비검사를 실시한 후 본검사를 제작하였다. 우리나라 중학생(n=1,814)과 고등학생(n=2,906)을 대상으로 본검사를 실시하고, 5요인에 대한 문항내적 합치도(Cronbach α)를 구한 결과 .89에서 .94범위에서 비교적 높게 나타났다. 탐색적 요인분석을 통해 요인구조 타당도를 구한 결과, 30개 하위요인은 이론적으로 제안된 5개요인(신경증, 외향성, 지적 개방성, 친화성, 성실성)에 거의 대부분 높은 부하량을 나타냈다. 5요인 성격검사의 준거관련 타당도로서 학교성적, 대인관계 성향, 학교적응, 진로자아효능감 및 진로정체감, 직업흥미 검사와 상관을 구한 결과, 5요인 성격검사는 학업 성적, 대인관계나 학교적응관련 준거, 진로관련 준거와 관련해 특정한 성격 요인들과 일관성 있고, 비교적 높고, 유의하며, 예측 가능한 상관 유형을 나타냈다. 이것은 5요인 성격검사가 학업 지도, 학교생활 지도, 진로 상담과 관련해 유용하게 활용될 수 있는 정보를 제공할 수 있음을 의미한다.
The purpose of this study was to develop a personality inventory based on five factor model and investigate relationships between the five factors(neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, conscientiousness) and various kinds of criterion such as school performance, school adaptation, and career selection. A Big Five personality inventory which was consist of 300 items were constructed from 4 preliminary surveys. The inventory and criterion reference tests were administrated to 1,814 middle school students and 2,906 high school students. The major results of this study were as follows. First, the reliability coefficients of the inventory were very high. The range of Cronbach alpha coefficients of five factors was .89 - .94. Second, factor analysis using varimax rotation demonstrated that 27 among the 30 facet scales of the inventory, which constituted 5 factors, had significant first loadings(i.e., > .30) meaning that the proposed factor structure was valid. Third, correlational analyses showed that 'conscientiousness' factor tended to be positively and significantly correlated with school grades, whereas 'neuroticism' factor tended to be negatively correlated. Forth, 'neuroticism' factor tended to be negatively related with school adaptation measures, whereas 4 other factors tended to be positively related. Fifth, correlational analyses showed that 5 factors predicted the variance of career selection criterion measures in some degree. These findings indicated that the newly developed Big Five personality inventory may be useful in educational and vocational counseling situations. Finally, some of theoretical and practical significance of this study were discussed.
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