Two-Dimensional Carbon Incorporation into Si(001): C Amount and Structure of Si(001)-c(4x4)
- Authors
- Hanchul Kim; Wondong Kim; Geunseop Lee; Ja-Yong Koo
- Issue Date
- Feb-2005
- Publisher
- The American Physical Society
- Citation
- Physical Review Letters, v.94, no.7, pp 1 - 4
- Pages
- 4
- Journal Title
- Physical Review Letters
- Volume
- 94
- Number
- 7
- Start Page
- 1
- End Page
- 4
- 10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.076102
- 0031-9007
- Abstract
- The C amount and the structure of the Si001-c4 4 surface is studied using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and ab initio calculations. The c4 4 phase is found to contain 1=8 monolayer C (1 C atom in each primitive unit cell). From the C amount and the symmetry of high-resolution STM images, it is inferred that the C atoms substitute the fourth-layer site below the dimer row. We construct a structure model relying on ab initio energetics and STM simulations. Each C atom induces an on-site dimer vacancy and two adjacent rotated dimers on the same dimer row. The c4 4 phase constitutes the
subsurface Si0:875C0:125 layer with two-dimensionally ordered C atoms.
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