Data on English coda voicing contrast under different prosodic conditions produced by American English speakers and Korean learners of Englishopen access
- Authors
- Kim, Sahyang; Choi, Jiyoun; Cho, Taehong
- Issue Date
- Feb-2023
- Publisher
- Keywords
- English coda voicing contrast; L1 english; L2 english; Korean learners; Focus; Vowel duration; Formants
- Citation
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 46
- 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108816
- 2352-3409
- Abstract
- This data article provides acoustic data for individual speakers' production of coda voicing contrast between stops in English, which are based on laboratory speech recorded by twelve native speakers of American English and twenty-four Korean learners of English. There were four pairs of English monosyllabic target words with voicing contrast in the coda position ( bet-bed, pet-ped, bat-bad, pat-pad ). The words were produced in carrier sentences in which they were placed in two different prosodic boundary conditions (Intonational Phrase initial and Intonation Phrase medial), two pitch accent conditions (nuclear-pitch accented and unaccented), and three focus conditions (lexical focus, phonological focus and no focus). The raw acoustic measurement values that are included in a CSV-formated file are F0, F1, F2 and duration of each vowel preceding a coda consonant; and Voice Onset Time of word-initial stops. This article also provides figures that exemplify individual speaker variation of vowel duration, F0, F1 and F2 as a function of focus conditions. The data can thus be potentially reused to observe individual variations in phonetic encoding of coda voicing contrast as a function of the aforementioned prosodically-conditioned factors (i.e., prosodic boundary, pitch accent, focus) in native vs. non-native English. Some theoretical aspects of the data are discussed in the full-length article entitled "Phonetic encoding of coda voicing contrast under different focus conditions in L1 vs. L2 English" [1] . (c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( )
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