海島算經과 朝鮮 算學
DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor.author | 홍성사 | - |
dc.contributor.author | 홍영희 | - |
dc.contributor.author | 김창일 | - |
dc.date.available | 2021-02-22T05:26:40Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2019-12 | - |
dc.identifier.issn | 1226-931X | - |
dc.identifier.uri | https://scholarworks.sookmyung.ac.kr/handle/2020.sw.sookmyung/1718 | - |
dc.description.abstract | Haidao Suanjing was introduced into Joseon by discussion in Yang Hui Suanfa (楊輝算法) which was brought into Joseon in the 15th century. As is well known, the basic mathematical structure of Haidao Suanjing is perfectly illustrated in Yang Hui Suanfa. Since the 17th century, Chinese mathematicians understood the haidao problem by the Western mathematics, namely an application of similar triangles. The purpose of our paper is to investigate the history of the haidao problem in the Joseon Dynasty. The Joseon mathematicians mainly conformed to Yang Hui's verifications. As a result of the influx of the Western mathematics of the Qing dynasty for the study of astronomy in the 18th century Joseon, Joseon mathematicians also accepted the Western approach to the problem along with Yang Hui Suanfa. | - |
dc.format.extent | 12 | - |
dc.language | 영어 | - |
dc.language.iso | ENG | - |
dc.publisher | 한국수학사학회 | - |
dc.title | 海島算經과 朝鮮 算學 | - |
dc.title.alternative | Haidao Suanjing in Joseon Mathematics | - |
dc.type | Article | - |
dc.publisher.location | 대한민국 | - |
dc.identifier.doi | 10.14477/jhm.2019.32.6.259 | - |
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation | 한국수학사학회지, v.32, no.6, pp 259 - 270 | - |
dc.citation.title | 한국수학사학회지 | - |
dc.citation.volume | 32 | - |
dc.citation.number | 6 | - |
dc.citation.startPage | 259 | - |
dc.citation.endPage | 270 | - |
dc.identifier.kciid | ART002549927 | - |
dc.description.isOpenAccess | N | - |
dc.description.journalRegisteredClass | kci | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Chongcha | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Haidao Suanjing | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Yang Hui Suanfa | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Joseon mathematics | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Jihe Yuanben | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Celiang Fayi | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Celiang Yitong | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Shuli Jingyun | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Gyeong Seon-jing | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Hong Jeong-ha | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Jo Tae-gu | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Chongcha (重差) | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Haidao Suanjing (海島算經) | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Yang Hui Suanfa (楊輝算法 | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | 1274--1275) | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Joseon (朝鮮) mathematics | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Jihe Yuanben (幾何原本 | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | 1607) | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Celiang Fayi (測量法義 | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | 1608) | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Celiang Yitong (測量異同 | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | 1608) | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Shuli Jingyun (數理精藴 | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | 1723) | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Gyeong Seon-jing (慶善徵 | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | 1616--1690) | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Hong Jeong-ha (洪正夏 | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | 1684--1727) | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | Jo Tae-gu (趙泰耉 | - |
dc.subject.keywordAuthor | 1660--1723) | - |
dc.identifier.url | https://www.kci.go.kr/kciportal/landing/article.kci?arti_id=ART002549927 | - |
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