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동양고전에서 이해한 배려의 리더십-『도덕경』을 중심으로The Study for Leadership of Caring in Oriental Classics - centering on Lao-Tzu’s Taoteching

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The Study for Leadership of Caring in Oriental Classics - centering on Lao-Tzu’s Taoteching
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caring; leadership; paradigm; charcter; empowerment; inaction
교육철학, no.32, pp 39 - 68
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The primary aim of this study is to promote the maintenance and enhancement of caring in terms of the theory and practice of leadership to some degree. Caring is the practice of loving’activities founded on human relations of depth. To develope the ability of caring, practice of caring has to be accompanied. Caring as leadership is the calm, gentle power to change the world. The essence of caring as nature that is the state of the perfect beauty is the attitude and the activity to produce the happiness. Caring requires the responsibility on protection, happiness, and support about the cared-for. I researched Caring as paradigm, character, empowerment and inaction. Caring as leadership contains the principle of interdependence and intimate relations in the societies. That of love, gentleness, respect comes from valuing what is small and negative, and mild or gentle at least in Taoteching. Caring as paradigm mean the flexible, constructive, optimistic, positive point of views to understand the world. It is not connected with the classification of goodness and badness or the tests that is predictable winners and losers. Namely it is the mature viewpoint to understand the things and situations. Caring as paradigm is not to interpret things in black and white, not to see actions and events only as part of a larger context. It is to seize all aspects of structure totally in conformity with the principle of Tao. Caring as character contains factors of emptiness, tranquility, affection or benevolence, frugality, humility, forgiveness, deliberation, inspiration, emotion, passion, collaboration, reflection overall. Practical methods of caring as character are engrossment, inclusion, conformation, receptivity, devotion etc.. Modes of caring as empowerment are production without possession, action without self-assertion, growth without domination. Caring as quite and moderate empowerment is the capacity to help and support people with the intellectual and emotional abilities based on the sincerity. Prohibitions, stress, compulsion, and restriction is not instruments or methods to empower the audiences. Inaction that emerges from tranquility is more important than action with perfection. Caring as inaction is to instruct without words, and to work silently. Also it indicates the practice of gentleness, frugality, humility based on inspiration and passion. To develop leadership requires silence with action, dedication, prudence, and patience. In the short run, leadership of caring is to cure and to heal oneself. Primary methods to cultivate caring as leadership are to increase careful considerations, tranquility, meditation, contemplation, practices. I believe that caring as leadership is the very bedrock of all successful lives. Also I maintain that the practice of it can transform attitude and thought of people more or less.
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