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Marketing strategy and the current status of Global SPA Brands

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dc.description.abstractThis study aims at providing data for establishing a marketing strategy which can enhance the competitiveness of Korea domestic SPA(Specialty Store Retailer of Private Label Apparel) Brands by suggesting countermeasure strategy through the observation and analysis for SPA Brands, under the current circumstance in which the systematic and scholastic discussion for the matter, is lack, despite the diastrophism in fashion industry is prospected according to the rapid growth of Global SPA Brands. For this purpose, the characteristic and current status of Global SPA Brands is examined, and the main cause of growth is analyzed by approaching to their marketing characteristic, in this study. In relation with this situation, this study suggests the provisions as below, which are drawn from the analysis on Global SPA Brands' marketing strategy, so that Korea domestic SPA Brands could achieve successive performance under fierce competition. First, to be a competitive SPA Brands a business should be able to supply products with frequent product turnover by an interval level of one week or so, the existent product planning by seasons, as a business obtains various swift informations on consumers` demand with R&D center foundation. Secondly, SPA Brands should establish a strategy that a business can create high net profit by inventory management which enables lowering inventory ratio remarkably, and a strategy for innovative product supply by small quantity batch production, along with founding a high technological logistics system Third, SPA Brands should establish a strategy for primary cost reduction by overseas dispersed outsourcing in order to enable diverse product development and rational price setting. Fourth, fashion marketers should establish also a strategy for communication by which brand image can be delivered effectively, by firming the brand identity and by informing product characteristic and customer service totally, with the method of VMD and flagship store. Additionary, fashion marketers also should establish a strategy by developing mobile application which can provide brand image and diverse other fashion related information.-
dc.titleMarketing strategy and the current status of Global SPA Brands-
dc.publisher.locationSouth Korea-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation패션 비즈니스, v.14, no.3, pp 35 - 51-
dc.citation.title패션 비즈니스-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorCharacteristic of Global SPA Brands-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorCurrent Status of Entry of Global SPA Brands into Korea domestic market-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorGlobal Marketing strategy-
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