삼국유사 소재 <處容歌>의 高麗的 어휘 요소와 그 示唆에 關하여The Formative Period of Chǒyongga
- Other Titles
- The Formative Period of Chǒyongga
- Authors
- 박재민
- Issue Date
- Mar-2010
- Publisher
- 한국어문교육연구회
- Citation
- 어문연구(語文硏究), v.38, no.1, pp 179 - 205
- Pages
- 27
- Journal Title
- 어문연구(語文硏究)
- Volume
- 38
- Number
- 1
- Start Page
- 179
- End Page
- 205
- https://scholarworks.sookmyung.ac.kr/handle/2020.sw.sookmyung/147949
- 10.15822/skllr.2010.38.1.179
- 12291617
- Abstract
- 본 논문은 『三國遺事』에 수록된 「處容歌」의 몇 어휘들을 살펴, 이 作品이 ‘高麗時代에 變改된 것’일 가능성을 推論해 본 결과물이다. 그간 「처용가」는 新羅時代를 배경으로 한 설화 속에 포함되어 있다는 점, 내용적으로 8분절됨으로 향가 8句體說의 유력한 근거가 된다는 점 등으로 인하여 ‘國語學的ㆍ國文學的’ 조명을 집중적으로 받아왔다.
그러나 이 작품에 포함되어 있는 ‘東京ㆍ如可(-다가)ㆍ良乙(-아)ㆍ良羅(-러라)ㆍ馬於隱(-마)’은 當代 地名ㆍ口訣ㆍ吏讀’의 표기상황으로 볼 때 13C 이후에야 나타날 수 있는 특성을 지니고 있다. 이 점은 삼국유사의 편찬시기가 13C末 이후란 점과 잘 조응하게 되는 바, 이런 시대적 정황이 「처용가」의 노랫말에 투영된 것으로 판단된다.
This thesis investigated some words in Chǒyongga處容歌 in Samgukyusa三國遺事 and argued that Chǒyongga was transformed in the Koryo高麗 dynasty from its original form. Chǒyongga, which has long constituted an important domain of research in the field of Korean literature and linguistics, has been generally considered as a poem of the Silla新羅 dynasty. However, some words in this poem such as ‘tonggyong 東京"ㆍ‘yǒga如可(-다가)’ㆍ‘lyangǔl良乙(-아)’ㆍ‘lyangla良羅(-러라)’ㆍ‘maǒǔn 馬於隱(-마)’ present the linguistic characteristics of later period. On the basis of the contemporary kugyol口訣, idu吏讀, and place names, these words were inferred as being used only after the 13th century. This point coincides with the fact that Samgukyusa, which contained Chǒyongga, was published in the late 13th century. This result opens up the possibility that Chǒyongga is not the original text of Silla but the transformed version of Koryo, and it implies that the future studies of Chǒyongga have to reconsider of its formative period. For example, Chǒyongga has been considered as a main proof of the eight-line poetic form in the Silla hyangga鄕歌. However, this hypothesis should be reconsidered if we raise doubts about the time Chǒyongga was formed.
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