Exchange biasing field of NiFe/[IrMn-Mn]/CoFe multilayers depending on Mn content
- Authors
- Lee, SS; Kim, BK; Lee, JY; Hwang, DG; Kim, SW; Kim, MY; Hwang, JY; Rhee, JR
- Issue Date
- Jun-2004
- Publisher
- Citation
- JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, v.95, no.11, pp 7525 - 7527
- Pages
- 3
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 95
- Number
- 11
- Start Page
- 7525
- End Page
- 7527
- 10.1063/1.1676035
- 0021-8979
- Abstract
- Exchange bias by inserting a submonolayer of Mn between two neighboring IrMn layers in NiFe/[IrMn-Mn]/CoFe multilayers was investigated. As-deposited CoFe pinned layers with an [IrMn-Mn] layer resulted in larger exchange biasing field (H-ex) and blocking temperature (T-b) than when pure Ir22Mn78 was used. H-ex and T-b improved with content of 76.8-78.1 vol % Mn, but H-ex and T-b of NiFe/IrMn/CoFe dropped considerably with addition of more than 0.6 vol % Mn. The H-ex obtained for as-grown two multilayer samples with 77.5 and 78.7 vol % Mn, were 259 and 150 Oe, respectively. In the case of IrMn with 77.5 vol % Mn, H-ex increased to 475 Oe at 350 degreesC but decreased to 200 Oe at 450 degreesC. The magnetic properties and thermal stabilities of the NiFe/[IrMn-Mn]/CoFe multilayer were enhanced by suitable additions of Mn. In applications where higher H-ex and T-b were required, the proper contents of Mn could be used. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
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