Linear isoperimetric inequalities for free boundary submanifolds in a geodesic ballopen access
- Authors
- Lee, Eunjoo; Seo, Keomkyo
- Issue Date
- Nov-2023
- Publisher
- Citation
- MANUSCRIPTA MATHEMATICA, v.172, no.3-4, pp 857 - 870
- Pages
- 14
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 172
- Number
- 3-4
- Start Page
- 857
- End Page
- 870
- 10.1007/s00229-022-01432-9
- 0025-2611
- Abstract
- We derive linear isoperimetric inequalities for free boundary submanifolds in a geodesic ball of a Riemannian manifold in terms of the modified volume. It is known that the twice of the area of a free boundary minimal surface in a Euclidean unit ball is equal to the length of its boundary. This can be extended to space forms by using our linear isoperimetric inequalities for the modified volume. Moreover, we obtain a sharp lower bound for the modified volume of free boundary minimal surfaces in a geodesic ball of the upper hemisphere S-+(2). Finally, it is proved that the monotonicity property still holds for the modified volume of any submanifold in a complete simply connected Riemannian manifold with sectional curvature bounded above by a constant.
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