소비자 문화 트렌드 변화에 따른 현대 패션산업 특성 고찰- 리처드 도킨스의 밈(meme) 이론을 중심으로 -A Study of Contemporary Fashion Industry According as the Change of Customer's Cultural Trend- Focusing on the ‘Meme’ Theory of Richard Dowkins -
- Other Titles
- A Study of Contemporary Fashion Industry According as the Change of Customer's Cultural Trend- Focusing on the ‘Meme’ Theory of Richard Dowkins -
- Authors
- 양희영
- Issue Date
- Dec-2013
- Publisher
- 한국의상디자인학회
- Keywords
- Mash-up(매쉬 업); Complexation(복합화); Collaborative consumption(공유소비); Meme(밈); Human consumption(휴먼 컨썸션); Co-evolution(공진화)
- Citation
- 한국의상디자인학회지, v.15, no.4, pp 83 - 99
- Pages
- 17
- Journal Title
- 한국의상디자인학회지
- Volume
- 15
- Number
- 4
- Start Page
- 83
- End Page
- 99
- https://scholarworks.sookmyung.ac.kr/handle/2020.sw.sookmyung/52298
- 1229-7240
- Abstract
- This research is a follow-up study about analysis on the many different customer groups and their various culture trend, which intends to realize diverse values depending on the sense. The purpose of this study was to develop direction forecast for the future fashion industry through consideration about the characteristics of contemporary fashion industry by the change of different customer’s culture trend. And also try to find solution to survival strategy of fashion fields able to evolve with customer.
Change of the customer‘s cultural trend draws a shift in policy in the 21st fashion industry as follows : 1) mash-up 2) complexation through decentering and blurring 3) invisible and immaterial value oriented 4) expansion of minor small market. Moreover, this shows sociocultural meaning as follows. First is spread of flexible and horizontal relationship through collaborative consumption and collaboration. Second is concentration on floating and indeterminate chance through dismantling of various different fashion categories. Third is formation of the permanent difference by selection and focus. Last is expansion of understanding about cultural-ecology. Customer cultural trend is 'meme' of cultural gene in fashion field, so it intends to co-evolute with customer by continuous change.
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