Vanadium Dioxide as a Natural Disordered Metamaterial: Perfect Thermal Emission and Large Broadband Negative Differential Thermal Emittance
- Authors
- Kats, Mikhail A.; Blanchard, Romain; Zhang, Shuyan; Genevet, Patrice; Ko, Changhyun; Ramanathan, Shriram; Capasso, Federico
- Issue Date
- Oct-2013
- Publisher
- Citation
- PHYSICAL REVIEW X, v.3, no.4
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 3
- Number
- 4
- 10.1103/PhysRevX.3.041004
- 2160-3308
- Abstract
- We experimentally demonstrate that a thin (approximately 150-nm) film of vanadium dioxide (VO2) deposited on sapphire has an anomalous thermal emittance profile when heated, which arises because of the optical interaction between the film and the substrate when the VO2 is at an intermediate state of its insulator-metal transition (IMT). Within the IMT region, the VO2 film comprises nanoscale islands of the metal and dielectric phases and can thus be viewed as a natural, disordered metamaterial. This structure displays "perfect" blackbodylike thermal emissivity over a narrow wavelength range (approximately 40 cm(-1)), surpassing the emissivity of our black-soot reference. We observe large broadband negative differential thermal emittance over a >10 degrees C range: Upon heating, the VO2-sapphire structure emits less thermal radiation and appears colder on an infrared camera. Our experimental approach allows for a direct measurement and extraction of wavelength-and temperature-dependent thermal emittance. We anticipate that emissivity engineering with thin-film geometries comprising VO2 and other thermochromic materials will find applications in infrared camouflage, thermal regulation, and infrared tagging and labeling.
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