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동화와 애니메이션에 재현된 ‘곰’의 신화적 상상력 연구 - 동, 서양 ‘곰’ 신화의 기호학적 비교연구를 통하여 -A Study of Mythical Imagination about BEAR Represented in Fables and Animations - Through semiotic comparison of Eastern and Western Bear myths -

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A Study of Mythical Imagination about BEAR Represented in Fables and Animations - Through semiotic comparison of Eastern and Western Bear myths -
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건국대학교 GLOCAL(글로컬)캠퍼스 동화와번역연구소
곰; 기호학; 신화; 이항대립; 기호작용; 샤먼적; 상징성; 치유력; 동굴인; bear; semiotics; myth; binary oppositions; semiosis; shaman; symbolism; therapy imagination; cave people; bear; semiotics; myth; binary oppositions; semiosis; shaman; symbolism; therapy imagination; cave people
동화와 번역, v.14, pp 259 - 280
Journal Title
동화와 번역
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This article is to study mythical imagination about BEAR represented in fables and animations through semiotic comparison of Eastern and Western Bear myths. The characters of animal is immortal in the cultures of children. Particularly, The Bear has a special meaning to the children. so, it gives warm and kind feelings to them. However, there is rarely old stories about "Bear" in our cultures. Why has it happened in this way? The motive to study this article is that we are descendants of the first offspring of the "Bear". In Dangun Myth, Bear and Tiger must endure the divine ordeal. Bear can succeed in putting up with a test, but tiger cannot. Bear could marry with God, so she bored the baby "Dangun", who became our first forefather of our nations. It is strange for our nations to have only a few bear fable stories. In this article, I will study "bear" meaning in three points. The first, in modern cultures, I will study the archetypal meaning of "Bear hunting" and "Bear rituals" represented in the fairy tales and animations. The second, I will divide the mixed bear images into two categories with binary oppositions. Bear has a conflicting meaning: wisdom and idiot, endurance and violence, rebirth and death, God and Man, the good and the evil. The third, The ``shaman`` function of bear will be studied in children`s cultures. Children make use of the therapy imagination with identifying bear and themselves. This article will seek for the archetypal Bear image with analyzing the children`s modern cultures. The images of Bear in modern cultures cannot be divided into national characteristics, because it has a contemporary common image in the world. So, it will be useful to say the archetypal bear images through modern cultures.
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